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  • May 12th, 2023

Prenuptial Agreements and the Presumption of Free Choice: Issues of Power in Theory and Practice

Prenuptial agreements are becoming more and more popular among couples who are planning to get married. These agreements are contracts that are signed before the marriage takes place and that outline how the couple’s assets and debts will be divided in the event of a divorce. However, there are some issues of power and free choice that need to be considered when it comes to prenuptial agreements.

Firstly, it is important to understand the presumption of free choice. This is the idea that individuals should be free to make their own choices, without any interference from others. In the case of prenuptial agreements, the presumption of free choice means that both parties should be able to enter into the agreement voluntarily and without coercion.

However, it is often the case that one party has more power than the other when it comes to prenuptial agreements. This can happen when one person is wealthier than the other, or when one person has more legal knowledge than the other. In these situations, there is a risk that the agreement will not be entered into voluntarily, but rather as a result of coercion or pressure.

Another issue of power that needs to be considered when it comes to prenuptial agreements is the power dynamic within the relationship. In some cases, one person may have more power than the other within the relationship, which can make it difficult for the other person to negotiate the terms of the agreement. This can lead to a situation where one person is unfairly disadvantaged, and may even lead to abuse in extreme cases.

It is important for individuals who are considering a prenuptial agreement to understand these issues of power and free choice. This means ensuring that both parties fully understand the terms of the agreement and enter into it voluntarily. It also means being aware of any power imbalances within the relationship, and taking steps to address them if necessary.

In conclusion, prenuptial agreements can be a useful tool for couples who want to protect their assets and debts before getting married. However, it is important to be aware of the issues of power and free choice that can arise in these agreements. By taking steps to ensure that both parties enter into the agreement voluntarily and without coercion, and by addressing any power imbalances within the relationship, individuals can ensure that their prenuptial agreement is fair and legally binding.


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